I recently came across a community that is emerging in Olot, a Catalan community close to the Pyrenees near the East Coast Of northern Spain within a stone throw of the French border. What they were describing sounded familiar and it was not the words they used it was the lack of agenda that really drew me in… and it occurred to me that over the years I have always held a vision of a network such as they describe but never knew how it might come about – I have always felt it is possible – but I could never see the steps to manifest it within the restrictions of the world in which I found myself.
Much of my journey has taken place on the French side of the Pyrenees working mostly internally fighting my way through the internal terrain of formulating opinions and ideas about what life was all about and dreaming about building such a community – but communities such as this one it feels to me are never created – it pools in a particular place at a particular time and there isn’t even any good nor bad, right or wrong about that… it simply aligns and we navigate to it from within – drawn by a natural magnetism… it can’t really be described beyond that – it could be clothed in labels and smart suits but it could equally arrive naked and worn through; rags and ditches.
It feels like an energetic grail of ripening intent that was sown in this same cycle from a different age and it appears not to be about declaring any bold necessities nor requirements to be fulfilled – rather it simply feels like a place of nurturing a new art of listening to those movements beneath the line that align us into geometries of completing cycles. I was inspired to post and record the following piece of writing this morning as a gesture to the spirit I felt emanating from ffmovement and I offer deep thanks and gratitude to everyone who has been a part of bringing it to life!!!