Are you caught in the in-between time?

I am fascinated by the current changes we are witnessing in the world. The speed of change is quite incredible, watching support systems that have been built up over centuries and religions that have grown over millennia beginning their deterioration – these are interesting times.  The complexity of those systems clearly cannot handle the pace… Continue reading Are you caught in the in-between time?

Orienting from here…

Nature is bursting with fractal geometry – you cannot actually get away from it – gaze at something for long enough and patterns appear from the recesses of eternity – stare at a word for long enough and the letters fall apart on the page and soon enough the word can no longer be recognised… Continue reading Orienting from here…


CEDE is about group transformation through ceding seeds of creativity, using three steps: Contemplation, Expression and Dedition with the potential to yield an optional fourth step of Enrichment.