What is Uniqueness Land? [a clarity of purpose]…

Uniqueness land was born out of an idea of Awakening out of the old habitual patterns of the past that have been taken in over the lifetime and beyond that to the flowering of awareness through surrender to an inner intelligence that comes from within. Once begun in earnest this awakening grows through many interconnected… Continue reading What is Uniqueness Land? [a clarity of purpose]…

What happens if you start from a place of recognition?

The paradigm is shifting and the numbers of dissatisfaction at work are clear. The uprising of people preferring to stay out of work rather than work for a corporate model that does not actually value the unique potential of its workforce: what could possibly be the cause of such unorderly behaviour? Suicide is the fourth… Continue reading What happens if you start from a place of recognition?

at the heart of creation…

Modern-day business is driven by the economy. To enter the world of business you don’t get far without a business plan and a key measurable to a business plan is profit. CEDE asks: Should investment and success be measured by profits? If you walk down the street of “modern economic business” with a heartfelt idea… Continue reading at the heart of creation…

Categorised as purpose