Life is a funny old thing – it cannot be separated from death as much as we try to detach and distract ourselves from it. Religion and spirituality have their roots deep beneath the line in a need to understand or come to some resolution about the point of life and throughout history this unknown has flavoured our lives and our cultures. A greater portion of our authority has been sunk into the prevailing beliefs of our cultures concerning death and they have not always favoured a happy ending constructing all sorts of dark fear frameworks in order to use death as a controlling force rather than a liberating one.
You could see those beliefs about life and death as unwritten and unseen forces that glue our lives together creating boundaries that superficially cut us off from our greater environment – that of the cosmos itself. Life and death are made up of planes and those planes are separated by borders and boundaries. Just as cells require walls in order to regulate the flow – so does the whole cosmos – and these planes have cycles – whereby they move from different frequencies of motion and direction at differing speeds. These formulate into bands that are continuous: there are moments when they are visible and some when they are not – but they are continuous and they depend upon the form perception as to what is being filtered. A fly filters the world in a very different way to a whale and this comes down to the form principle. All is simply the witnessing and non-witnessing of experience in all its richness and variety. The more variation there is – the deeper the depths of experience become.
Nothing can exist without an environment: all forms are surrounded at all times by other forms encompassing all bands of frequency from the nano and beyond all the way up to the macro and beyond: there are those that we can witness and perceive with our five senses and others that we cannot. There are others we have learned to perceive with external tools reaching into extended frequency bands and others that were innate within us that we have learned to filter out through inherited conditioning. And then there are those that neither our form nor our tools can register because the forces are outside our awareness altogether – but the underlying principle here is that our forms define our boundaries in more ways than just our skin and actually are the root of our perception.