Mutation is a driving force of change… it is not uncommon to begin having thoughts about the survival of the fittest and Charlie Darwin when entertaining the sport of mutation as a contemplation. The genetic programme that on the surface at the mundane level brings us a way to see and witness how those forces work themselves through into the world – we can begin to map certain patterns about what came first – what lasted and what didn’t. We see it out there – we have even mapped this to our own human line – the movement from “killer monkeys” toward a civilised society and yet at the same time – we base those same theories and interpretations upon our measurements – from fossils up to and including the systems that have been developed collectively to bring out that possibility of experience of entertaining and believing in facts and fictions brought about by the illusion of our separateness.
No fact is ever forever… facts, like fossilised thoughts – point to something in the memory, collective or otherwise – something that was once present and held as a pattern but in the world of illusion – and we live in a world of illusion – our measurements change over time – because time changes us – it changes our perceptions. Our moods change based upon what environment we are in – who we are with – who we are not with – all of these are part of the growth of order and we are growing into them constantly and ceaselessly even in our sleep and dreams. A measurement of our moods are our feelings.
#mutation #projection #illusion #maya #measurement #CyclesAndOrientation #awareness