I am fascinated by the current changes we are witnessing in the world. The speed of change is quite incredible, watching support systems that have been built up over centuries and religions that have grown over millennia beginning their deterioration – these are interesting times. The complexity of those systems clearly cannot handle the pace… Continue reading Are you caught in the inbetween time?
Author: Rusty-admin
What is Mutation
Mutation is a driving force of change… it is not uncommon to begin having thoughts about the survival of the fittest and Charlie Darwin when entertaining the sport of mutation as a contemplation. The genetic programme that on the surface at the mundane level brings us a way to see and witness how those forces… Continue reading What is Mutation
What does it really mean: Embodiment?
Embodiment is a term that is used quite liberally within certain spiritual communities and until there is experiential knowledge of what it means – it remains on the surface as a word that can be passed along without tapping into the roots of how it actually feels and this is at the crux of the… Continue reading What does it really mean: Embodiment?
Drinking in Eternity…
Life is a funny old thing – it cannot be separated from death as much as we try to detach and distract ourselves from it. Religion and spirituality have their roots deep beneath the line in a need to understand or come to some resolution about the point of life and throughout history this unknown… Continue reading Drinking in Eternity…
What is Uniqueness Land? [a clarity of purpose]…
Uniqueness land was born out of an idea of Awakening out of the old habitual patterns of the past that have been taken in over the lifetime and beyond that to the flowering of awareness through surrender to an inner intelligence that comes from within. Once begun in earnest this awakening grows through many interconnected… Continue reading What is Uniqueness Land? [a clarity of purpose]…
What happens if you start from a place of recognition?
The paradigm is shifting and the numbers of dissatisfaction at work are clear. The uprising of people preferring to stay out of work rather than work for a corporate model that does not actually value the unique potential of its workforce: what could possibly be the cause of such unorderly behaviour? Suicide is the fourth… Continue reading What happens if you start from a place of recognition?
What’s all this about the Fractal?
Pressure. Pressure, pressure pressure. Consider the breaking of a crystal – it shatters from a single point and it tears through the weakest points. What remains after the shattering? Lots of little crystals of various shapes and sizes – it doesn’t shatter into infinitesimal parts of the same dimensions does it? If you were to… Continue reading What’s all this about the Fractal?
Unique is… Unique
The thing about uniqueness is that it is unique – it simply is. You cannot make ‘unique’ any more unique than it already is – it sits beneath and it extends beyond measurement. You can tell someone they are not being unique but is there any truth to that? Through contemplating this statement it occurs… Continue reading Unique is… Unique
Orienting from here…
Nature is bursting with fractal geometry – you cannot actually get away from it – gaze at something for long enough and patterns appear from the recesses of eternity – stare at a word for long enough and the letters fall apart on the page and soon enough the word can no longer be recognised… Continue reading Orienting from here…
Celebrating Transformation with Lightness?
Is it possible? I would have to say that it is not-negotiable; that is not to say that it is a requirement but awareness has a natural levity to it. In entering into any cycle it is wise to leave all expectations at the threshold and walk with the eyes of a child – that… Continue reading Celebrating Transformation with Lightness?