Is it possible? I would have to say that it is not-negotiable; that is not to say that it is a requirement but awareness has a natural levity to it. In entering into any cycle it is wise to leave all expectations at the threshold and walk with the eyes of a child – that way if we can still reach the end of that cycle without expectations we will not have failed to unearth some mysterious secret hidden behind the invisible layers of life’s skin.
Likewise, if we are looking for understanding we can never grasp at it because it cannot be held in anything other than an open palm.
We are asked to wear and embody the patterns of recognition by identifying through the eyes of our experiments and to do that we need to live out who we are but to wear ourselves lightly enough that our skin sheds easily once it has served its purpose; else it may never let us go and we become weighed down and constricted by the heaviness of the matter of who were even as it moves through its decaying cycles.
We want to be lifted up through our awareness, through our understanding into the giddy synchronicities that follow… that confirm our wonder and understanding through embodiment and experience, that recognises… yes: the intelligence of the universe is undeniably moving through us but we can only witness that frequency when we are not lost in the small identity we happen to be wearing on that particular day.