Pressure. Pressure, pressure pressure.
Consider the breaking of a crystal – it shatters from a single point and it tears through the weakest points. What remains after the shattering? Lots of little crystals of various shapes and sizes – it doesn’t shatter into infinitesimal parts of the same dimensions does it?
If you were to theoretically glue all those pieces back together you would find that you were glueing along all the fractal lines – from the smallest to the biggest all the way back to the centre. Leaving out any one piece would leave it incomplete.
Now – if you were to map all the paths of all the pieces back to the centre – you would find that the centre was contained within every fractal path. And all those pieces at the very edge of the crystal – that make up the outside of it – would only have one single shortest path directly back to the centre – one fractal line – but they could meander their way back – all roads lead to Rome.