The thing about uniqueness is that it is unique – it simply is. You cannot make ‘unique’ any more unique than it already is – it sits beneath and it extends beyond measurement. You can tell someone they are not being unique but is there any truth to that?
Through contemplating this statement it occurs to me that homogenised conditions can be placed around that uniqueness: if you drag a magnet across an impressionable surface enough times it begins to take on the same lines of magnetic force – but beneath that – the uniqueness is incorruptible. Those lines of conditioning can equally be reconditioned – our uniqueness cannot.
The mind identifies with those winds of magnetic force taking on the conditioning in response to those forces through experiments and experiences based upon measurements and reaction yet our uniqueness comes from the deepest place within us – it comes from our imprint into form and it comes with a dubious task: to grow through that conditioning and use it as feed and compost so that we might get to taste the succour of our truly unique fruits – the embodiment of our awareness. Our uniqueness is carried within the seed of our being.